As part of the Elk Valley Rancheria’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funded energy program, OurEvolution assisted in developing a Tribal Strategic Energy Plan. This document will serve as the planning document that will direct the purchasing, implementation and support of its energy policy and programs. In order to develop the plan, OurEvolution engineers established the baseline energy usage profile for five target facilities through on-site energy audits, utility analyses, energy performance modeling (Energy Pro, DOE-2). These facilities included the Tribal Administration Building, Gaming Commission Office, United Indian Health Services Clinic, Head Start Facility and three Tribal residences.
Additionally, OurEvolution conducted renewable energy resource assessments on Tribally owned and occupied lands. The results of these evaluations formed the baseline energy assessment from which a targeted energy project prioritization study was completed. This portion of the Strategic Energy Plan provides a roadmap for short- and long-term capital energy projects. Ourevolution also assisted the Tribe in developing an energy vision and mission statement, provided technical assistance in energy goal setting, completed rate schedule analyses, provided guidance on the institutional requirements necessary for maintaining a Tribal Energy Program within the Rancheria and identified funding sources for project implementation. OurEvolution identified approximately $30,000 per year of potential energy savings and is currently working with the Tribe to complete grant applications for funding the high priority energy projects identified in the Strategic Energy Planning process.
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