Humboldt Bay Harbor District Terminal 2 Energy AssessmentOurEvolution engineers have just completed work at the Humboldt Bay Harbor District's Terminal 2 site, formerly the LP and Freshwater Tissue Pulp Mill. OE was hired to evaluate the existing power distribution system and loads to identify potential energ…Read more...[x]
North Coast Electric Vehicle Charging NetworkOurEvolution and it's collaborative partners Redwood Coast Energy Authority and Schatz Energy Research Center are pleased to announce the receipt of a second California Energy Commission electric vehicle charging station deployment grant. This grant wil…Read more...[x]
Humboldt State University Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx)OurEvolution and our collaborative partner kW Engineering were recently awarded two contracts to complete monitoring based commissioning (MBCx) at HSU's Founder's Hall and Gist Hall, the oldest buildings on it's Arcata, California campus. The MBCx proce…Read more...[x]
Northcoast Electric Vehicle Charging NetworkOurEvolution and strategic partner Alchemy Construction recently completed the successful installation of the first electric vehicle charging stations in the planned North Coast Electric Vehicle Charging Network. These stations, installed in the City of…Read more...[x]
Coeur d’Alene Energy Efficiency AnalysesOurEvolution has nearly completed one of the largest projects we have undertaken to date with the Coeur d'Alene Tribe located in Idaho. Under this project, OurEvolution engineers completed energy evaluations of 38 tribally owned and operated buildings inc…Read more...[x]
Anaerobic Food Waste Digester Project Initial StudyHumboldt Waste Management Authority Anaerobic Food Waste Digester Project Initial Study
As part of the Humboldt Waste Management Authority's Food Waste to Energy project, Ourevolution engineers provided environmental permitting and technical consulting s…Read more...[x]
Karuk Tribal Housing Authority – Microhydro System DesignOurevolution engineers provided design support for a remote housing and ranger station development project owned by the Karuk Tribe of California. OE's work included the development of energy performance models of the proposed buildings, renewable energy …Read more...[x]